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Clark McNulty footage from October........

Clark over at HookBuzz just fired across this video he shot last October. Here is what he had to say about the trip...... 

We motored out of Mission Bay around 1 am, took on bait and heading for the 390 bank. At grey light we started eyeing birds and moving from kelp paddy to kelp paddy. Everything was dry. Around 9 am and after moving up to the 371 we came on to a paddy holding around 30 active Mahi. After putting 6 Dodos in the boat on rod and reel they started to get shy so we pulled out the guns and jumped into the warm 74 degree water. We had to navigate a small 5 foot blue shark and give a larger 8 foot hammerhead a poke in the nose as it came in a little two close for comfort. We landed two Mahi's with the guns and got a shot on a rare found Wahoo in these waters. Unfortunately the Wahoo didn't stick but all-in-all we had another great day on the water.